12 thoughts on “A Death In The Family

    • Thank you for that! Yes, we watch them go through all the stages of life in the time it takes a child to grow up. An acceleration of time and aging. My house is The Barking Dog Retirement Home. And I’m not kidding! I’ll mourn each and every one as they pass on.

  1. Thank you for your kind comment. Yes, it’s very hard to lose her, and, unfortunately, Franny is not far behind. She has been my alter ego star in my blog, as anyone can tell from past posts, and that she is ill and likely at age 13 to go anyday is very hard. I live lately with a leaking dam of tears behind my eyes, and a spreading crack across my heart.

  2. Oh, Ann, I am so sorry. I am sorry for your loss and also sorry that I am so late to reading this post. I got so caught up in school and my business that I woefully neglected my blogging friends. I hope your life is on the positive these days.

    • Thank you, Jessica, for your kind words. After Mercedes died Franny got sick, and she died in May of last year. She was 14, but even so it was a huge blow, because as you know reading my blog, she has been my alter ego, the star of so many of my stories. I miss her terribly. I finally wrote a eulogy for her a week ago, seeking to put in words what I feel about her, her specialness. I’m posting it today. I’m hoping I can start writing for my blog again now. I just havent had the heart for a long time now. I hope you have had great success with school and business!

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